One of the most abused word in our time is 'love'. The profession of love has been done in hypocrisy or insincerity, so much that many has concluded that there is no more love on earth. When you say you love God, what do you mean? When you say you love your spouse, family, neighbours, friends or fellow brethren, what do you mean. Is it just by mere professing love?

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 NIV

From the bible text above, it is revealed God love the whole world and he demonstrated it by  GIVING. He gave up his only son as a sacrifice to die for the sins of those He love, to save them from their sins and destruction.

Do you know love is about giving? Yes. For whoever you choose to love, you should give. When you say you love God, what are you giving unto Him? He desires your offerings and tithe, He desires your sacrifice of prayer and praises, He demands you to bear fruits unto Him, he demands you to give your time for Him, He demands your trust in Him, He demand your sacrifice in terms of service for Him,  If you claim to love God, then you should be ready to willingly and cheerfully give to Him.

"If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?" 1 John 3:17 NIV

For those that you profess to love, your are expected to give. There is no Love without sacrifice, for the spouse you claim to love, WHERE IS YOUR SACRIFICE? for the neighbour you claim to Love, WHERE IS YOUR SACRIFICE? What are you giving for the relationship to be intimate and strong? Whenever storm rages, the strength of your relationship will determine if it will stand or crumble, and this is a measure of your SACRIFICE. It shouldn't always be about what you want or what you have to gain, true commitment is built on sacrifice.

What are you giving for those you love? Any thing you can never let go for those you love is a stronghold that has to be pulled down for true love can abide.

Giving also means 'Letting go'. It can be inform of letting go of your comfort and things that gives you pleasure for the sake of those you love. Jesus let go of His Majestic form and power, He embraced the form of man that He created. THAT IS LOVE! You must be willing to give up your comfort, ego, class, things that gives you pleasures, your mindset, even your right for those you love.

Whenever you see a man with a string relationship with God, a godly home so sweet and attractive or a man that truly love his fellow believer, trust me, there is a lot of sacrifice that has been put in place for that to stand. A LOVER OF GOD IS A MAN OF SACRIFICE.

                                   .......GOD BLESS YOU


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