The Light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it or overpower it or appropriate it or absorb it [and is unreceptive to it]. John 1:5 AMP
Whenever Light comes in, darkness is displaced. Darkness has never and will never overshadow light. Have you seen an outdoor light bulb when switched on at night. Although the spaces covered by the light emitted by the bulb is limited, but whoever dwells in the area where the light gets to, dwells in light but whoever resides in the area beyond the light emitted dwells in darkness.
This is same with the unlimited light of God. Whoever dwells in the light of God dwells in freedom and victory over darkness, whosoever dwells outside the light of God dwells in slavery to darkness. It is either you are for God or for the devil. If you are for God and you dwell in His light, you dwell in freedom and the victory He has promised, If you are out of God's light, then you are dwelling in slavery to the devil.
'The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].' John 10:10 AMP
The devil has nothing good to offer, he comes only to steal, kill and destroy, so whoever is a slave to him can only expect this three, to be stolen from, to be killed and to be destroyed, these are the expectations of those dwelling out of God's Light but for those dwelling in the light of God, they dwell in abundant life full of all that is good and glorious.
'And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.' John 12:32 KJV
Jesus has been lifted up far above principalities and powers, and has draw men unto himself. You can only have victory over principalities and power when you are dwelling in Jesus, the Light of God.
'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' Matthew 11:28 KJV
Jesus is caling you today, He is knocking on the door of your heart, will you open unto Him or shut him out? Jesus is saying unto you, 'come unto me', He has promised to give you rest from your worries, He has promised to heal you from your diseases, He has promised to deliver you from captivities, why not honour this invitation, why not take the step that will lead you to everlasting joy.
When you get the light and you remain in the light, you victory is assured.
Jesus is calling, He awaits you. Don't delay your deliverance.
........God bless you
The Light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it or overpower it or appropriate it or absorb it [and is unreceptive to it]. John 1:5 AMP
Whenever Light comes in, darkness is displaced. Darkness has never and will never overshadow light. Have you seen an outdoor light bulb when switched on at night. Although the spaces covered by the light emitted by the bulb is limited, but whoever dwells in the area where the light gets to, dwells in light but whoever resides in the area beyond the light emitted dwells in darkness.
This is same with the unlimited light of God. Whoever dwells in the light of God dwells in freedom and victory over darkness, whosoever dwells outside the light of God dwells in slavery to darkness. It is either you are for God or for the devil. If you are for God and you dwell in His light, you dwell in freedom and the victory He has promised, If you are out of God's light, then you are dwelling in slavery to the devil.
'The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].' John 10:10 AMP
The devil has nothing good to offer, he comes only to steal, kill and destroy, so whoever is a slave to him can only expect this three, to be stolen from, to be killed and to be destroyed, these are the expectations of those dwelling out of God's Light but for those dwelling in the light of God, they dwell in abundant life full of all that is good and glorious.
'And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.' John 12:32 KJV
Jesus has been lifted up far above principalities and powers, and has draw men unto himself. You can only have victory over principalities and power when you are dwelling in Jesus, the Light of God.
'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' Matthew 11:28 KJV
Jesus is caling you today, He is knocking on the door of your heart, will you open unto Him or shut him out? Jesus is saying unto you, 'come unto me', He has promised to give you rest from your worries, He has promised to heal you from your diseases, He has promised to deliver you from captivities, why not honour this invitation, why not take the step that will lead you to everlasting joy.
When you get the light and you remain in the light, you victory is assured.
Jesus is calling, He awaits you. Don't delay your deliverance.
........God bless you
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