Considering the happenings around us, the pandemics, rumours of war here and there, outrageous wicked deeds of men, extremes of weather conditions, various predictions about the world ending and so on, it is an undeniable truth that the end is truly near but the disheartening fact is that the so called beloved awaiting the coming of the bridegroom are sleeping and slumbering.

'And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?' Matthew 26:40 KJV

Even after Jesus revealed unto us the series of event that will occur when the end is near so we won't be caught unaware, still many are carried away with the affairs and aspirations of this world turning deaf ears unto what the spirit is saying unto the church. We have been so distracted by things whose pleasure last only for a moment. Sports and career have taken the place of God in the heart of His children. We have broken the gaze on Jesus and set out gaze on mere men and unsatisfying job for living. Is there truly a life outside God? Even due to the current pandemic that most of these things are on temporarily closedown, would many still remember God.

'Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints' Ephesians 6:18 KJV

In Apostle Paul's teaching on the armour of God, he revealed that after putting on the full amour, we are to continually and ceaselessly pray and be watchful. Watchfulness demands perseverance. It can mean denying oneself of some pleasures, enduring one hardship or the other for a greater cause. Praying without watching is like pouring water into a basket because it is when men  are sleeping and slumbering that the enemy comes to steal or even sow evil seed that will germinate into mighty strongholds.

Watchfulness is very important in times like this. The coming of the Lord is very much at hand. Don't be like the foolish virgins who didn't prepare before hand, don't be like those that will wakeup from slumber only to realize that rapture had already taken place, don't be like those that won't believe until they see the son of man riding the clouds, coming with full glory. Remember the same solders that mocked Jesus to save Himself, confessed that He was the son of God when the earth became darkened at His death. Christian! wake up and take heed to the voice of your Lord. He is almost here.

'He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.' Revelation 2:29 KJV

                       ..........GOD BLESS YOU


  1. The spirit of God is calling us unto the deep, I pray that we all live with the understanding that it is only God's perfect will that matters

    Let's be prepared at all tines, through peserverence, prayers and being watchful
    God bless us all


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