Acts 1:4 (KJV) And, being assembled together with [them], commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, [saith he], ye have heard of me.

There was a call upon the disciples to be carriers of the gospels, to work signs and wonders, to bring certain dimensions of God into manifestation in their time, but upon ascension, Jesus instructed them to tarry in Jerusalem. Although, they were on course to spread the gospel beyond Jerusalem but at that moment, He indulge them to remain in Jerusalem until they receive the promise of the Father.

It is a thing to receive the instructions, it is another thing to know when to execute. The disciples needed more than the call to succeed in their God’s given assignment, they needed more than passion or zeal, they needed something more than the ordinary, something beyond the natural to indeed manifest God’s glory in their time. They needed the Holyspirit, the God among and within men.

Acts 1:8 (KJV) But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

God has made grace, power and divine enablement available for as many he has called but how many are patient enough to wait on Him? Having the call, gift or talent is not enough to move swiftly into action. Men are limited in their strength and ways, but when the power from on high comes upon a man, he becomes limitless.

The disciples were not idle nor were they inactive in their will to wait, they were continuously praying. In waiting we pray continuously, in waiting we serve in diligence and in faithfulness, in waiting we learn, in waiting we expect and desire until that which God has apportioned for us comes.

1 Kings 19:7 (KJV) And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise [and] eat; because the journey [is] too great for thee.

There was a need for Elijah to be fed more than once because the journey ahead was great and demanding. Adequate preparation is the prerequisite to a fulfilling journey. Never be in rush to move, learn to wait on God for empowerment, for direction and for communion. David never ascended the throne the very day he was anointed, Apostle Paul never started ministering and working wonders the very day he received an encounter.

Are you a believer, passionate about God and the gospel, are you called to minister in word, in songs, in help ministry or in any capacity, desire to wait on God to be filled with power to succeed and to receive divine direction as to the execution of God’s instruction. 

For every call, there is a blueprint for its execution and grace apportioned for its fulfillment, WAIT ON GOD TO BE ADEQUATELY FED FOR THE JOURNEY IS INDEED GREAT.



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