There are several means of help that God has made available for us on earth; one of them is THE FAVOUR OF MEN. God helps a man in the time of need by granting him favour in the sight of men. The favour of men is an extension of the favour of God.
Exo. 2:6 KJV,”And when she opened it, she saw the child: and, behold, the babe wept. And she had compassion on Him,….”
During the time that all Hebrew’s male children were
to be killed, Moses found favour in the eyes of Pharaoh’s daughter and His life
was spared. In the end, Moses grew to be the saviour of His people.
Gen 39:4 KJV,” And Joseph found grace in his sight and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house….”
Joseph was not the only slave to be sold at that
time in Egypt, but He found grace in the eyes of Potiphar, and he made Joseph
the overseer of all he had.
Many times, we disregard men because we believe our
help comes from God alone. But we must come to the reality that it is God that directs
the heart of men to favour His own.
Prov. 21: 1KJV, “The kings heart is in the hand of the Lord, as are the watercourses; He turns it whichever way He wills”
Beloved, men are the extension of God’s glory on
earth. When God’s benevolence shines upon you, he stirs up a man's heart and directs his compassion on you.
Do not disregard God and do not disregard men. GOD BLESS YOU.
Father, direct the heart of men to favour me.
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